El Casino Primitivo entra al olimpo del Ajedrez Andaluz Página 5 de 5 [Event "Liga Andaluza División de Honor"] [Date "2014 Jaen"] [White "Fernández García, J.M. (2428)"] [Black "Almagro Mazariegos, S. (2310)"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [WhiteElo "2428"] [BlackElo "2310"] 1. d4 cf6 2. cf3 e6 3. e3 b6 4. ad3 ab7 5. 0-0 Ae7 6.c4 c5 7.Cc3 cxd4 8.exd4 0-0 9.Te1 d5 10.Ag5 dxc4 11.Axc4 Cc6 12.a3 Tc8 13.Aa2 Cd5 14.Axd5 Axg5 15.Ae4 Af6 16.Dd3 g6 17.Tad1 Ca5 18.Axb7 Cxb7 19.Da6 Cd6 20.Ce5 Tc7 21.De2N Te8 22.Df3 Ag7 23.g3 Dc8 24.Td3 h5 25.h4 a6 26.Rg2 b5 27.Te2 Cc4 28.a4 b4 29.Cb1 Cxe5 30.dxe5 Tc5 31.Tde3 Td8 32.Te4 a5 33.Cd2 Ah6 34.Cb3 Tcd5 35.Df6 Dd7 36.Tc2 Tc8 37.Tee2 Txc2 38.Txc2 Ag7 39.Df3 Axe5 40.Cc1 Dxa4 41.Tc8+ Rg7 42.Cd3 Dd7 43.Cxe5 Txe5 44.Df4 Tf5 45.Dc4 Dd5+ 46.Dxd5 Txd5 47.Ta8 Rf6 48.Ta7 e5 49.Rf3 Re6 50.Re3 f6 51.Ta6+ Rf5 52.f3 Tc5 53.Ta8 Tc2 54.Txa5 Txb2 55.Ta8 b3 56.Tb8 Tg2 57.Txb3 Txg3 58.Tb4 Tg1 59.Ta4 Td1 60.Ta2 Td4 61.Th2 Ta4 62.Th1 Ta3+ 63.Re2 Rf4 64.Tg1 g5 0-1 your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard [Event "Liga Andaluza División de Honor"] [Date "2014 Jaén"] [White "Sánchez Jiménez, J. C. (2239)"] [Black "Escobar Domínguez, D. (2329)"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] 1.d4 Cf6 2.c4 e6 3.Cf3 d5 4.Ag5 Cbd7 5.Cc3 Ab4 6.cxd5 exd5 7.e3 c5 8.Ae2 Da5 9.0-0 c4 10.Cd2 0-0 11.Dc2 Te8 12.Ah4 [12.a3 Axc3 13.Dxc3 Dxc3 14.bxc3 b6 15.a4 Ab7 16.Af4 a6 17.Tfb1 Ac6 18.g4 h6 19.h4 b5 20.f3 Cb6 21.axb5 axb5 22.Ad1 h5 23.g5 Cfd7 24.Rf2 Ca4 25.Axa4 Txa4 26.Txa4 bxa4 27.Ad6 f6 28.gxf6 gxf6 29.Aa3 Tb8 30.Txb8+ Cxb8 31.Ad6 Ca6 32.Cb1 Rf7 ½-½ (32) Hracek,Z (2598) - Laznicka,V (2610) Czechia 2008] 12...Ae7 13.a4!?N [Predecesor: 13.Ag3 Cf8 14.e4 dxe4 15.Cxc4 Df5 16.Ce3 Dg6 17.Ccd5 Cxd5 18.Cxd5 Ad8 19.Da4 Ad7 20.Db3 Ce6 21.Dxb7 Cxd4 22.Dxd7 Cxe2+ 23.Rh1 Af6 24.Tad1 h5 25.Dc6 Tac8 26.Da6 Tc2 27.b4 Te6 28.Da4 Tec6 29.Ce3 T2c3 30.b5 Tc8 31.Dxa7 h4 32.Ab8 h3 33.g4 Ah4 34.Ag3 Axg3 35.hxg3 Df6 36.Cf5 Dg5 37.Ce3 g6 38.Dd7 Df6 39.Rh2 Df3 40.g5 Rg7 41.De7 Txe3 42.Df6+ Rg8 Ranft, S (2105)-Braun, P (2268) Bad Wiessee 1999 0-1] 13...a6 14.b3! cxb3 15.Cxb3 Dd8 16.Af3 h6 17.Cd2 [17.a5!?] 17...g5 18.Ag3 Cf8 19.Db3 Ae6 20.Dxb7 Da5 21.Tfc1 Tac8 22.Cb3 Db4 23.Dxb4 Axb4 24.Ca2 [24.Ce2?? g4] 24...Aa3 25.Txc8 Txc8 26.Cc5? Pensando que la entrada de la torre en séptima combinado con Ab2 podría ser peligroso, hago esta patética jugada. [26.Ae2! Era sencillo y demoledor. 26...Tc6 27.Cc5 Ac8 28.f3+-] 26...Axc5 27.dxc5 Txc5 28.Tc1 [28.Ae5²] 28...Ce4 29.Axe4 [29.Txc5 Cxc5 30.a5 Cb3 31.Ac7 d4! 32.Cb4 dxe3 33.fxe3 Ac4 34.Ab7 Cc5 35.Ac8 Cfe6=] 29...Txc1+ 30.Cxc1 dxe4 ½-½ your web browser and/or your host do not support iframes as required to display the chessboard 2 3 4 5